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Automobil und Motorrad Chronik
1971 -1985
48 pages DinA4 Jaguar Story DKW 4=8 Good condition
40 pages DinA4 Gläser Story Porsche RSK Bj.58 In used condition
36 pages DinA4 Stoewer Story Kondor / Brandenburg BMW 327 Coupé Bj.39 In used condition
60 pages DinA4 Russian cars In used condition
68 pages DinA4 Audi Alpensieger 1913 Renault Floride Austin Healey 3000 Horch Geländewagen Bj.28 In used condition
64 pages DinA4 Opel 1,2 Liter and P 4 In used condition
68 pages DinA4 BMW 700 Horch 670 12 Zyl. Bj.31 Bugatti Talbot T.26 In used condition
68 pages DinA4 Jaguar XK 120 Mercedes 190 SL Harley Davidson 1928 Good condition
60 pages DinA4 Maserati 3500 GT Volvo P 1900 Nimbus Good condition
64 pages DinA4 VW Hebmüller Jaguar Mk 2 DKW RT 125 H Good condition